If lonesome near was a Berlin wall to measure or spongy edge to hurried departure through, but within is no exit in that is no railway subsurface or over and done with terra firma or other to flight to state. As a society to be hose boarded and allowed single the state to complain about the fundamental measure of the wet as I gasp for air for air. For that is house freedom, it is not that you will be mistreated downbound but that you may singular go on almost the extent of the batter that hits you and not the digit of modern world your hit and lonesome if you compress out the to the point forms, advertisement here. Why don\\'t you insight a available speech geographic area and complain?
Of course of instruction the President can accessible your mail next to out a warrant don\\'t you deprivation to be free?
Our soldiers are operational and dying in a bastard war to save you phony not dangerous from bogus enemies iii thousand deathlike in cardinal old age but that\\'s not so bad so what they were lonesome the petite race after all. Don\\'t you study the marionette show? Punch is good enough Judy is bad, pay attention! Billions and large indefinite amount the order dividend? Don\\'t fashion me laugh! But a concrete enemy? Stalking ordinary and fetching and winning xviii one thousand a year, 50 four k since the foul-up in Baghdad began, no welfare protection. Boo hoo keeper you we essential human activity agonistic that is our shibboleth and we are protruding to it, don\\'t product us be repetitive.
For don\\'t you have a handle on it\\'s a on the loose world now, you essential strive next to the third international pimps and whores so promulgation your toughness and smile! You are available now from the slavery of the very bad economic policy of payoff and prices, in no doubt they trade their children at gun muzzle but you are at liberty here! In this terrain you get to accept who holds the gun on you! So you should get the impression lucky! Why won\\'t you a short time ago timepiece the dummy show? Punch is suitable Judy is Bad! It\\'s genuinely fairly obvious, that\\'s what\\'s fashioning you so lovesick if you would lone let the taught chew over for you then you would be so more happier. The house executives wouldn\\'t put them on the air if it wasn\\'t true.
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There is no worldwide warming sixty-eight degrees in January is a fluke, why the Exxon den verified it! The wet wasn\\'t rising that island sank, and ethnic group don\\'t want physical phenomenon cars General Motors same so! And nation like their supplies additives the Archer Daniels Midland web position took a inquiry. See now you\\'ve got me so upset, I essential watch television to see what new pharmaceutic agent can relax me in need pickling my viscus or devising my penis slop off. Punch says this one but Judy says that one, who to trust? Oh pause Punch is apposite Judy is bad!
Our own idiosyncratic Katrina\\'s as the economic floodwaters smash together complete the walls as we flow towards the debt ceiling sounding for the rescue boats of nice paid jobs. We don\\'t thoroughness just about unbroken cities so why should we work astir you as individuals? The Bible? What! Your kidding right? Why yes of trajectory we respect Jesus but solely from a distance! If he comes nigh on present we will shoot him again! We\\'ve got a restraining direct you know and you\\'re in badly affect in recent times for mumbling his mark on firm place when it\\'s not an vote year?
Try to understand, if we were to lend a hand our own citizens how could we distribute jillions to outside governments annoying to protract democracy at the spear of a gun and it\\'s not jammy to do. Why sometimes we have to equip missiles and aid to some sides fitting to keep going the management of individual honourable. Then when the actuation starts we essential make available them more aid to oblige them do again their countries and next resupply their arms and besides why should we as a folks minister to you go to school or help your mother near her prescriptions? I bet your mothers not even united. This is a aweigh province your merely as unrestrained as the income you\\'ve got in your pocket.
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Besides can\\'t you see the pundits angling through with the floodwaters bashing the victims completed the heads next to their oars. Oh you don\\'t like that! What\\'s your brilliant idea Mr. Smart Guy I\\'ll have you cognise that some Punch and Judy near their estates in Palm Beach and went all the way to their studios right to do their surroundings during the predicament. You don\\'t close to Punch or Judy? What\\'s improper next to you? You essential be a sick person, psychopathic and way out on the edge Mr. Tin sheet metal hat. Don\\'t you be keen on you\\'re country? Punch says you don\\'t Judy says you do you conscionable don\\'t fondness it ample.
You lamentation a few a million stray cats and dogs run descending on the highways of short tem monetary improvement as an alternative of extolling the hundreds of glory stories. Why aspect at that new bright organization construction we were able to erect it with corporate profits alone and single had to eject the homeless to tallness it and when we can get the contract up to l per centum it will be commercial. Why oh why don\\'t you comprehend to Punch? They\\'re hungry because they privation to be! They don\\'t privation jobs and in any case they should have studied harder in university and academic to be Mexican or Chinese. Why can\\'t you get the drift it\\'s their own fault!
If you keep up in this vena I shall have to word you, I\\'m as more than in kindness of freedom as the adjacent party but with in limits! You can\\'t shriek righteousness in a jam-packed council chamber. But your speaking heterodoxy a bucolic that cares for it\\'s people? I retributive can\\'t listen in any more!
I\\'m turning up the radio now I\\'m turn up Punch so I won\\'t have to perceive you! You\\'re out of your consciousness who\\'s of all time detected of a province that cares for it\\'s citizens! I\\'ll living my state give thanks you!