Very few things can liven up a room like an antique bird cage. Although you most likely wouldn't want to use it to house your pet parakeet due to the fact that many of these cages are not only fragile, but they are quite valuable.
So, what are cages that are this old really good for$%: Well, if you have a home with Victorian or French decor or accents, an antique bird cage will compliment any room in the house.
Of course, for anyone who appreciates the beauty of antiques, it makes no difference what kind of home they have. The cage will look great in any setting.
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One of the most critical elements in caring for any antique is keeping it clean. For a bird cage, it really depends on what it's made from. Is it made out of brass, iron, or another type of metal$%: If so, it can simply be wiped down with a rag.
Is it a wooden bird cage$%: If it is then you'll need to take some different pre-cautions. The best suggestion I can give is to get with an expert in the area of antiques. They will have the knowledge to show you how to care for your cage.
One thing is for certain though, never use any type of store bought spray cleaner on your bird cage. These types of cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can easily destroy the painted surfaces, as well as possibly affect the wooden frame. Even something as simple as soap and water can be hard on the cage. This is why you'll want to talk with an expert and get some sound advice.
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Displaying your antique bird cage in a prominent area of your home can be quite a showpiece for guests of all ages. Even though it may not be a current home for parrots, parakeets or cockatiels, it can still be a great conversation piece.
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